Ken Poyner has published more than 2000 poems and stories, in more than 300 magazines and web sites, and collected multiple Pushcart Prize, Rhysling and other literary prize nominations. He has appeared in The Alaska Quarterly Review, Cafe Irreal, Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Tuck Magazine, The Indiana Review, and many others. His work, both poetry and fiction, looks for edges to experience, dark places to jump into.
Follow him on Goodreads, www.goodreads.com
Follow him on Facebook, www.facebook.com/ken.poyner.9
Speculative poetry, 2021. A man carving his wife from a tree. A carnivorous lawn. A list of things to do on the last day of the world.
Ranging from the clumsy arrival of Europeans in the Americas to immoral commerce for automatons, this is a collection of surreal encounters, debauches, and saintliness which will titillate the hinges of the imagination. Poetry, prose poetry, micro-fiction originally published in places such as Café Irreal, Asimov’s Science Fiction, The Pacific Review and more than three dozen other literary venues. 2023.
Paperback, $13.00
E-book, $ 2.99
106 pages (paperback)
www.amazon.com, paperback and Kindle e-book,
www.smashwords.com, multiple e-book formats,
www.sundialbooks.net, Chincoteague, Va., paperback on-the-shelf and mail-order.
Barking Moose Press books are available from Amazon and other websites in paperback and E-book formats. Sundial Books in Chincoteague, Virginia www.sundialbooks.net carries a full coven of BMP books in paperback. Kindle format can be found on Amazon, and Epub at Smashwords and dozens of other book selling sites.